Submission Criteria

We welcome original research papers focusing on (but are not limited to):

  1. Information & Knowledge Management
  2. Data Analytics for Environment
  3. Mathematical Modelling for Environment
  4. Data-driven Decision Making
  5. Machine Learning for Predictive Environmental Modelling

Submissions must be electronically submitted via the Microsoft Conference Tool CMT by the deadline. 

To proceed, register for a Microsoft CMT account and follow the author guidelines provided below.

Peer Review Process: All submissions will undergo rigorous peer review by appointed reviewers. Papers will be evaluated based on originality, technical quality, and relevance to the conference theme.

Double-Blind Review: To ensure fairness and impartiality, the review process will be double-blind.

Presentation at AWIST 2024: Accepted papers will be presented at the AWIST 2024 conference, fostering vibrant discussions and facilitating knowledge exchange, whether in a physical or virtual setting.

Guidelines for Authors

Abstract Submission

Download the abstract template: HERE
Submit your abstract: HERE


Full Paper Submission

Prepare your manuscript in MS Word format, preferably in *.doc/docx, following the JMSI manuscript format for full paper submissions. Consult the JSMI Author Guidelines available on the JMSI website for guidance while preparing your full paper. JSMI Author Guidelines.

Before submission, ensure that your manuscript’s similarity index is below 25%.

Submit your full paper via AWIST 2024 – Microsoft CMT: HERE. Edit the submission, upload your full paper, and save. Both the abstract and full paper will be listed under the submission files.


We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions at AWIST 2024.